The nearest airport is in Catania.
Hotel La Piazza offers booking service taxi transfer from the Catania airport to Milazzo. From Milazzo is possible to reach Panarea by hydrofoils
You can also reach Panarea from Reggio Calabria, Palermo and Naples, where hydrofoils and ferries connect the island.
The connections from Milazzo are available every day and all year
The connections from Reggio Calabria, Messina, Naples and Palermo are available from June to September
To and from Naples all year is available 2 times per week a ship that departs in the evening and arrive the following morning.
Once on the island the hotel operates a free transfer service to and from the harbor
Links of companies navigations:
On the island is also available a helicopter transfer service with the company Air Panarea.
Albergo La Piazza srl
Via San Pietro
98050 Panarea Island
Eolie - Sicily - Italy
Albergo La Piazza srl
Via San Pietro
98050 Panarea Island
Eolie - Sicily - Italy
Albergo La Piazza srl - P.IVA: 01697900833 - capitale sociale euro 72.800,00